How To Get A Work Permit In Vietnam | A Detailed Guide For Foreigners 2023

As globalization continues to foster international business relationships, Vietnam has emerged as an attractive destination for foreign professionals seeking career opportunities. However, working legally in Vietnam as a foreigner necessitates obtaining a work permit, a crucial document that signifies compliance with Vietnamese labor laws.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of obtaining a work permit in Vietnam, offering valuable insights into the application process, requirements, special provisions, renewal procedures, and more.

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Overview of Vietnam’s Work Permit System

A work permit, as defined by Vietnamese law, is a mandatory document issued by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) that authorizes foreign nationals to work legally within the country’s borders. It serves as a legal foundation, ensuring foreign workers’ rights and adherence to labor regulations.

Role of Invalids and Social Affairs

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) plays a pivotal and multifaceted role in the issuance and regulation of work permits for foreign professionals in Vietnam. Its responsibilities encompass several crucial aspects of the process, ensuring that foreign workers are integrated into the labor market in a legally compliant manner.

The benefits of holding a valid work permit in Vietnam are multifold. It not only allows foreign workers to legally engage in employment but also provides them with job security, access to social services, and the ability to open a bank account, among other advantages.

Work Permit Requirements

Criteria for Eligibility. To be eligible for a work permit in Vietnam, foreign applicants must meet specific criteria, including being at least 18 years old, maintaining good health that satisfies job requirements, possessing the necessary technical skills and knowledge for the job, and having no criminal record in Vietnam or abroad.

Documentation and Verification. The process of documenting and verifying the necessary paperwork for obtaining a work permit in Vietnam is a critical step in ensuring the legality and eligibility of foreign workers. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the documentation and verification requirements:

Foreign crew members of ships/vessels must provide documents confirming their competency issued by Vietnamese competent authorities.

Additional Documents for Specific Categories.

Application Procedure

Employers seeking to hire foreign employees are required to follow a specific process to obtain approval. This process involves submitting a written request to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs or the Chairman of the People’s Committee at the provincial level at least 30 days before the intended start date of employment. An exception to this rule is provided for bidders.

As of October 2, 2017, employers have the option to submit their request electronically through the web portal: To do this, they must first create an account on the provided website and submit the application using this account, no later than 20 days before the expected employment commencement date.

Upon receiving a valid application and the accompanying report explaining the demand for hiring a foreign employee, the competent authority is responsible for providing the results to the employer within 12 days via email. If the submitted application is found to be incomplete or inaccurate, the competent authority will issue a notice requesting necessary corrections.

Once the employer receives approval to hire a foreign employee, they must then submit the original documents to the competent authority either in person or by post. The competent authority is obliged to return the original approval result to the employer within 8 hours of receiving the application.

The application dossier must include a Form of Explanation for the demand for hiring a foreign employee, following the guidelines outlined in Circular 40/2016/TT-BLDTBXH.

Application for Work Permit for Foreign Employees

To obtain a work permit for a foreign employee, the employer must submit an application to the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs or the Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs in the province where the foreign employee is anticipated to work. This application should be submitted at least 15 days before the intended start date of employment.

Upon submission, if the application is deemed complete and valid, the applicant will be required to pay the work permit fee and will be given an appointment for the date when the results will be returned. In cases where the application is incomplete or lacks necessary details, the applicant will receive a notification requesting the supplementation of information.

The processing time for a work permit typically takes five working days from the date of receiving a complete and valid application.

Receiving the Work Permit Result

Within the stipulated timeframe of five working days, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs or the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs is responsible for issuing work permits to the applicant. This issuance follows the guidelines outlined in Form 12/PLI as indexed in Decree 152/2020/ND-CP.

In cases of refusal, the Ministry or Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs is obligated to provide a written explanation stating the reasons for the refusal.

Special Provisions for Specific Foreign Workers

Exemptions and Unique Provisions. Vietnamese law provides specific exemptions for certain categories of foreign workers, including:

Benefits of Special Provisions

Special provisions in the context of work permits in Vietnam offer distinct advantages for specific categories of foreign workers. These provisions are designed to acknowledge the unique roles and contributions these individuals make to Vietnam’s economy and society. Let’s delve into the benefits and implications of these special provisions:

Renewing a Work Permit

Renewing a work permit is a crucial process for foreign workers in Vietnam, allowing them to extend their legal employment beyond the expiration date of their initial permit. In this section, we will delve into the specifics of when and why renewal is necessary, the renewal procedure, and key differences from the initial application.

When and Why to Renew

Renewal Procedure

The process of renewing a work permit in Vietnam shares similarities with the initial application process, but there are key differences to be aware of. Below is a step-by-step guide to the work permit renewal process:

Link Between Work Permit and Temporary Residence Card

Foreign workers in Vietnam often find that in addition to obtaining a work permit, they require a Temporary Residence Card (TRC) to legally reside in the country for an extended period. This section provides an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of obtaining a TRC once a work permit has been secured.

Understanding the Temporary Residence Card

A Temporary Residence Card (TRC) serves as a vital document for foreign workers in Vietnam. It allows them to legally reside in the country for an extended period, typically ranging from 2 to 5 years, depending on the type of TRC. Understanding the process of obtaining a TRC is essential for foreign workers to ensure their compliance with Vietnamese immigration regulations.

Linkage to Work Permit

The TRC is closely linked to the work permit, and the two documents often go hand in hand. Here, we explore the interdependence of these essential documents and why foreign workers frequently need both to work and live in Vietnam legally. The TRC essentially validates their stay beyond the work permit’s validity.

Steps to Obtain TRC

Securing a TRC after obtaining a work permit involves a specific set of steps and procedures. We outline these steps comprehensively to guide foreign workers through the process. It’s crucial to adhere to these steps diligently to ensure a seamless transition from holding a work permit to acquiring a TRC.

The Relationship Between the Two Documents

Understanding how the work permit and TRC complement each other is crucial for foreign workers to navigate the complexities of living and working in Vietnam. The work permit primarily authorizes their employment, while the TRC validates their long-term stay in the country. Together, these documents ensure full legal compliance, allowing foreign workers to pursue their careers and enjoy a stable living situation in Vietnam.

Common application mistakes:

Mistakes and Their Implications

Mistakes made during the work permit application process can lead to delays, rejections, and legal complications. Identifying these errors and understanding their implications is essential for a successful application. Here are some frequent mistakes:

  1. Incomplete Documentation.Failing to provide all the required documents or submitting incomplete paperwork can result in delays or rejection. Each document plays a crucial role in establishing eligibility. The application may be put on hold until all necessary documents are provided, causing delays in the processing timeline.
  2. Incorrect Form Completion. Errors in filling out application forms, including using outdated forms or providing inaccurate information, can lead to complications. Inaccurate information can raise concerns about the applicant’s eligibility or credibility, potentially leading to rejection.
  3. Missed Submission Deadlines. Late submission of the application, whether for the initial permit or renewal, can lead to complications in the approval process. Delays in processing can result in gaps in employment legality or the need for expedited processing, which may incur additional costs.
  4. Health Certificate Issues. Neglecting to obtain or provide a fitness-to-work certificate from a competent health facility within the specified timeframe can be problematic. Failure to meet health certificate requirements may lead to doubts about the applicant’s fitness for the job.
  5. Criminal Record Delays: Not obtaining a criminal record or certificate of non-prosecution within the required timeframe can create obstacles. Delays in obtaining these records may lead to concerns about the applicant’s criminal history or legal standing.

Potential Consequences

Common application mistakes can have significant implications for foreign workers and their employers. These potential consequences should be taken seriously:

Guidelines for a Flawless Application

To ensure a flawless work permit application, it’s crucial to follow practical guidelines and tips meticulously:

Penalties for Non-compliance

In this section, we delve into the serious legal consequences that can arise due to non-compliance with Vietnamese work permit regulations. It’s crucial for both foreign workers and their employers to fully grasp the potential penalties and legal implications associated with non-compliance.

Legal Consequences. Non-compliance with Vietnamese work permit regulations is a matter taken seriously by the authorities. Foreign workers and their employers who fail to adhere to the established rules and procedures can face a range of legal repercussions, including:

Pursuing a work permit in Vietnam is invaluable for foreign professionals seeking to build their careers in this vibrant and dynamic country. Compliance with Vietnamese labor laws not only ensures legal standing but also protects the rights and interests of foreign workers. As Vietnam continues to welcome international talent, it is imperative that both employees and employers adhere to the regulations governing work permits. Staying informed and up-to-date with the latest developments in the process is essential for a successful and fulfilling professional journey in Vietnam.

This comprehensive guide serves as a reliable resource for foreign workers and employers, offering clarity and guidance on the intricate process of obtaining a work permit in Vietnam. By adhering to the outlined procedures and requirements, foreign workers can embark on their career journey in Vietnam with confidence, knowing they are in compliance with the law and fully equipped for success. For any inquiries or uncertainties regarding this matter, our team of seasoned corporate attorneys stands ready to provide expert guidance and assistance. Reach out to us at