Affidavit from 3 licensed DDS or RDH verifying active clinical practice, documenting 2,500 hours during the 5 years preceding their application; Certificates showing completion of 30 hours of CE during the 3 years immediately preceding application date.
Transcripts; Passed National and Regional/State Exams; License Verification, Current Status and Disciplinary History Verification.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
5 Years or 5,000 hours immediately preceding their application.
Affidavits from 2 DDS or RDH; written statement agreeing to be interviewed; Jurisprudence Exam (See Rule: 270-X-2.19 Licensure By Credentials).
Yes-Extensive (See Rule: 270-X-2.19 Licensure By Credentials).
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Five years or more.
Letters of recommendaqtion from 2 DDS; Jurisprudence Exam.
Official Transcripts; License Verification, Criminal Background Check, Proof of successfully passing a clinical exam & National Board.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Minimum of 1,000 hours during the 2 years immediately preceding application.
Clinical Exam documentation; Jurisprudence Exam.
Inactive: No Retired: Yes
Fingerprint Clearance Card; Citizenship/Alien Status Statement; National Board Scorecard; DH Transcripts; License Verification; National Practitioner Data Bank.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
750 hrrs/year for 5 years in Clinical Practice or Full-time faculty in an accredited DH program; 750 hrs/year for 3 years pending contract to practice in a clinic and 2 years committed to practice in certain settings or locations in CA.
Certification of completion of training in Soft Tissue Curettage, Nitrous Oxide & Oxygen, and Local Anesthetic to CA state standards; Certification of completion of an ADA Radiation Safety Program; Proof of 25 houirs of CE.
Live Scan Fingerpring Submission Form; Out-of-State Licensure Certification Form; National Boards DH Exam Scorecard; Proof of Legal Name Change.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Active practice or Teching DH or dentistry: minimum of 300 hours/year for a minimum of 1 year out of 3
Obtain professional liability insurance; list and provide written explanation of any acts that would be grounds for disciplinary action under the Dental Practice Act; provide information pertaining to any final or pending disciplinary action by any state/jurisdiction previously licensed and any pending or final malpractice actions.
Sealed transcripts; License Verification; Disciplinary action; National and Regional/State Exams; Background incl. in fee.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Other state/territory’s admission requirements are determined by the department to be similar to or higher than the requirements of CT.
License Verification; Disciplinary action pending; Unresolved complaint; Professional Liability Insurance; Education.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
May requrire 3 years immediately preceding the application, and at least 150 hours of active dental hygiene practice (See municipal regulation 4309).
Certified Letters of Good Standing all states/jurisdictions where licensed; Certificate of Completion of Administration of Local Anesthesia and Nitrous Oxide or Local Anesthesia or Nitrous Oxide; DC Dental Law Examination.
License Verification; 2 recent passport photos; SSN;Character Reference List; Official Transcript; National Board and Clinical Exam results.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Proof of 3 year active practice.
Jurisprudence exam; Letter of good standing where licensed.
License Verification; Criminal History Record; Letter of Reference; Official Transcript; National Board Score Report.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
2 years immediately preceding application; Full time clinical practice minimum 1,000 hours per year in hands on treatment of patients.
Employment Affidavit; Jurisprudence exam.
Yes, Faculty License
Yes, see Board Rule: 150-3-.7
Liense Verification; Official Transcripts; National Board Scores; National Practitioner Data Bank; Criminal History; Malpractice Questionnaire; Copy of Court Document/Affidavit explaining any name discrepancies.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Limited (Community service license)
Practice Years Required *
1000 hours per year for the past 3 years.
May practice only within the employment of an eligible organization; Must renew annually; Letter of employment from employer.
Yes, but only in qualifying institution
License Verification; Proof of Graduation from a CODA institution; National Board Score; Copy of an Active, unrestricted DH license; Previous and pending legal or regulatory action relating to claims of malprctice, personal or professional misconduct.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Obtained a DH license in another state by examination (e.g. CRDTS, WREB, SRTA, or ADEX), or have been licensed and practicing for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years immediately prior to the date of application.
Other state must accept Iowa licensees; applicant have not failed a clinical exam within past three years; Jurisprudence Exam.
Yes (short- term/specific locations): urgent need, education or volunteer service.
License Verifications; National Board Card w/ scores; NPDB/HIPDB results; Proof of Education; Notarized copy of marriage certificate or divorce decree.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Licensed for 1 year, and have practice a minimum of 1,000 hours in the two years immediately preceing the date of application.
Active license in good standing to practice in another state; Interview at the Board’s discretion; Jurisprudence Exam.
License Verification; Proof of Graduation; Completed board approved clinical exam; Local Anesthesia: satisfactory completion of a Board-approved examination; Passed National Board Exam; PBIS Level II Background Report.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
3 of the 5 years immediately precding filing of application.
If you have not actively practiced in 3 of the last 5 years, you may be required to complete additional testing, training, or remedial education as may be deemed necessary to establish your present capacity to practice in Illinois.
License Verification; Proof of Graduation; National Board Grade Card; National Practitioners Databank.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Two out of last five years. Actively practiced in DH for at least an average of 20 hours per week for 2 years.
3 letters of reference; must have 14 hours of CE during previous two years; Jurisprudence exam.
License Verification; National Practitioner Data Bank; Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank; National Board Score; Proof of Legal Name Change; Criminal Background Check.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
3 years immediately preceding the date of application.
Successfully passed a licensure examination in another jurisdiction equivalent to the requirements in the state of Kansas; One (1) letter of recommendation from a licensed hygienst or dentist; Proof of CE taken within the last two (2) years; Jurisprudence Exam.
License Verification; Proof of graduation; Recent photo; National Board Scores; Clinical Board Scores; Official Transcript; NPDB/HIPDB results.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Must have practiced 5 out of the past 6 years.
Qualifications equal to or higher than Kentucky; Not currently subject to disciplinary action; Jurisprudence Exam.
Yes. Temporary license to provide medical care to indigent populations.
Proof of graduation; Proof of passing National Board and Clinical Exams; Criminal background check; National Practitioners’ Databank. License Verification.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
One year practice; or 1,000 hours per year for the year immediately prior to applying.
Personal interview with board; Cannot be HIV or HBV positive; Jurisprudence Exam.
Yes (See Chapter 1 #120, Dental Practice Act).
License Verification; PBIS and LSBD (fingerprint/background check); NPDB-HIPDB Self-Query; Official Transcripts; National Board and Clinical Exam results.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Proof of regional or state clinical examination; Proof of 20 CEU obtained 24 months prior to application; Jurisprudence Exam; Physician’s Statement.
Proof of Graduation; National Board Certification; License Verification (letters of standing from 2 DDS); Practice history; National Practitioner Data Bank Self-Query.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Actively practice for 3 years and actively engaged in dh for at least 150 hours per year for a total of at least 450 hours.
Passed the CDCA and Jurisprudence Exams
Photograph; Original National Board score card; Certified proof of education; License Verification via certified letter; Identify employers for the 3 year period immediately preceding application date; Evidence of legal name change.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
3 years prior to application.
Personal interview with board (dental board may waive); Jurisprudence Exam.
Yes (valid for 6 months).
Yes (limited to DDS, DH or denturism school settings).
Prood of graduation; License Verification; National Board scores; Clinical Exam scores; NPDB Self-Query Report; Criminal background check report.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Fingerprint report and criminal background check; Official Transcripts; Official report of National Board scores; Official report of Regional or State Exam scores; License Verification/Certification.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Active practice for 2,000 hours of the previous 36 months.
Requires interview; Canadian licensees eligible; Must have five hours of infection control within previous five years; Provide two character references; Summary of CE courses taken in the last 5 years; Jurisprudence Exam.
Yes- “Guest License for Public Health $50.00 (application & renewal fee).
Education. Clinical and National Boards verification; Physician’s and Optometrist’s statements.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Two consecutive years peeceding appliation.
Not eligible if ever failed a clinical exam or had action against license; CPR.
Photo; Official Transcripts; National Board and Regional Exam scores; License Verification.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Minimum of 5 years from the date of application is received.
Jurisprudence Exam; Personal interview; Sworn statements/affidavits from all employers during the past 5 years.
License Verification; Official Transcripts; Proof of education; Proof of liability insurance; National Board Exam grade; NPDB and HIPDB informaion; Names, addresses and phone numbers of 3 patients treated within the previous 6 months.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Minimum of 1,000 hours during the 2 years prior to application.
CPR/ACLS/PALS Certification; Jurisprudence Exam
License Verification; National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) Self- Query; Proof of graduation; Official Transcripts; Original National Board Exam Score Card; Verification of Clinical Exam passage; Two letters of moral character (no relatives).
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Active clinical practice at least 1,000 hours per year in clinical direct patient care during the two yars immediately preceding application.
No history of disciplinary action or pending disciplinary action; No felony convictions and no other criminal convictions that would affect applicant’s ability to render competent dental hygiene care; Not failed a licensure examination administered by the NC State Board of Dental Examiners.
Yes, with two years practice.
Official Transcripts and Proof of Graduation; Pass National Board and Clinical Exams; License Verification; Report from the National Practitioner Databank; Report of any pending or final malpracice actions; Complete Fingerprint Record Card.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Three years preceding application.
License in good standing and active practice in jurisdiction where requirements equivalent to ND; Evidence of 16 hours of CE; 3 references sent directly from reference; local anesthesia permit application if applicant intends to utilize the expanded duty; proof of physical health and visual acuity.
Offical Transcripts; Proof of Name Change Document; Pass National Board and Clinical Exam; License Verification; Jurisprudence & Ethics Exam.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Three years, one prior to application.
Oral exam if not passed CRDTS; also need 15 hours of CE.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Three years immediately prior to submitting application.
Passed the ADEX, or other similar U.S. regional or state board clinical examination acceptable to the Board; Jurisprudence Examination.
License Verification; Letter of Good Standing; Education; National Board and Clinical Exam scores; Birth Certificate; Criminal background.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Employment history; License Verification; Exam scores; Education; Criminal.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Licenses held by applicant must have been in good standing for 2 years prior to application.
Proof of Infection Control technique course within the past 12 months; Completed 15 hours of approved continuing education during the past year; must meet qualifications as defined in NMAC; Jurprudence Exam.
Yes (See NMAC).
Proof of Graduation; License Verification; Passed National Board; Background Status Report through PBIS.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
(Limited License See NRS 631.271).
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Two years (full-time) following initial licensure; 8 months of such prctice must have been in the 2- year period preceding application.
Completed approved coursework or training in Infection Control and barrier precautions, including engineering and work prac tice controls; Must not have failed New York exam; Department may license by endorsement on an individual basis.
Education; Professional Moral Character.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Actively practice for 5 years immediatel preceding application.
Jurisprudence Exam; Letter of good standing where licensed.
Teacher’s license by reciprocity.
Proof of Graduation; “National Board Final Report Card”; Grade cards from regional boards; License Verification; Proof of inoculation against Hep B; BCI&I and FBI Criminal Records check.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Active practice for two years immediately prior to application.
Interview with board; 3 current letters of recommendation with original signature; Jurisprudence Exam.
Yes, unless failed Oklahoma clinical.
Original National Board Scores, Regional Exam Scores; Official Transcripts; National Practitioner Databank Report; License Verification; Proof of Citizenship; Legal Documentation to show name change(s).
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
3,500 hours of licensed clinical practice in past 5 years.
Verification of 24 hours of continuing education taken within 2 years immediately preceding application submission; Jurisprudence Exam.
Transcript (with degree posted); License Verifications; Proof of Clinical Exam; Figerprints – Live Scan; Verification of Clinical Practice Hours.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Proof the State clinical exam is comparable to the CDCA exam; Submit certification that it will reciprocate with PA on the basis of criteria approval.
License Verification/History; Certification of Graduation; Certification of exam and National Board scores; National Practitioner Databank; Disciplinary action.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Reciprocity Release Form(s) – Licensure Verification; Official Transcripts; Official National Board and Regional or State Board Exam Results.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Active license and practice 3 out of the last 5 years.
Licensed in another state with similar examination requirements as SC within the past 2 years; Jurprudence Exam; Completed a minimum of 14 hours of Board-approved Continuing Education, including an infection control course, within the past 2 years; Board may require interview.
Verification of license; 3 Original Letters of Reference; National Practitioners Database; Education Verification; National Board scores; Personal history.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Completed a minimum of 3,000 DH clinical hours within the five years immediately preceding application date.
Jurisprudence Exam; If applicable, application(s) to administer local anesthesia, nitrous oxide orygen sedation or monitor patients under anesthesia.
Physician’s statement; National and Regional Board Exam grades; License Verification; Certified Transcripts; Birth Certificate; Document of name change; Recent notarized photo.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
3 of the 5 years immediately preceding applicationl.
If requested, ability to provide patient care on a continuing basis; Current CPR certification; Must not have failed any Board- approved exam unless failed exam is subsequently retaken and passed.
Certificate of Graduation (transcripts and degree/diploma conferred); Criminal; Education; Disciplinary actions; License Verification and status; 2 Letters of Reference; Proof of citizenship/age.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Minimum of 3 of the 5 years immediately preceding application; or as a dental educator for the 5 years immediately preceding application in Texas.
Complete 12 CE taken within the preceding 12 months; No disciplinary actions or felony convictions; Current CPR; Jurisprudence Exam.
Yes (See Secs. 256.1015 and 2561016).
Proof of Graduation; National Board and Regional Clinical Exams; License Verification; Level II PBIS Background Check; National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) Self-Query.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Minimum of 2,000 hours in the two years immediately preceding application date.
Document having met all requirements for licensure under 58-69- 302 Subsection (3); Licensed in another state/jurisdiction upon which licensure by endorsement requirements were equal to requirements in Utah.
License Verification; Evidence of identity, qualifications, and good standing.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
Active practice for 24 of the past 48 months immediately preceding application.
Notarized statement from each DDS and/or agency employed within four years immediately preceding application date; Current active license obtained by passing clinical pompetency exam comparable to exam required in Virginia; Submit original scorecard or letter from the comparable exam or testing agency.
Yes, if employed in state public health.
Education; National Board and Clinical Exam; License Verification; National Practitioner Data Bank Self-Query; Release of Confidential Information; Documentation of Name Change.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential Endorsement
Practice Years Required *
License in good standing; Must have taken office emergency procedures; Jurisprudence Exam.
Education; License Verification; National Board scores.
Clinical Exam for Initial License #
CPR for License
Licensure by Credential: States may use the terms; “licensure by endorsement”, “licensure by creteria approval”, or “reciprocity” to mean provisions in the law that allow out of state licensees to be licensed without a clinical examination.
Years of Practice: Refers to active practice requirements in the year(s) immediately preceding licensure by credential application.
Special Requirements: Requirements that are in addition to graduation from an accredited dental hygiene program, passing the Joint Commission on National Boards Dental Hygiene Examination, and proof that the applicant has a license in good standing in another state. (Most sates will require licensure applicants to pass a Jurisprudence Exam on the laws governing the practice of dental hygiene in that state. Contact state licensing agency for application forms and fee information.)
Temporary, Teacher, Inactive or Retired License: Special licenses often have specific time-limits, restrictions, or additional requirements. Contact the state licensing agency for information.
# Certain examinations are only accepted within certaiin year periods. Candidates are encouraged to contact the State Board where they wish to seek licensure to confirm information.
Source: State Dental Boards: Statutes and rules, licensure requirements/applications.
Note: WREB and CDCA signed a memorandum of understanding on June 15, 2021 outlining their intent to merge and will begin to administer the ADEX exam at all locations for the class of 2023.
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Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60611